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Our Top 8 Health Guidelines

What a blessing it has been that we were safely able to open our school during COVID 19.

We are grateful for all the love and support that was sent our way from all of our school families, staff and church leadership.

Here are the top 8 health precautions we are taking:

  1. There is a daily health check for staff and students. We ask that all parents email us a daily temperature reading before arriving at school. We also will take their temperature when they arrive. Our staff takes their own daily temperature upon arrival to school. Staff wears a mask throughout the day.

  1. Sick Children and staff must stay home. Even if they have just mild symptoms. If anyone develops a fever they must be fever free for 72 hours without the use of fever reducing medication.

  1. If a student has been in close contact with someone diagnosed with COVID 19, they may not return to school for 14 days from the day of their last exposure. They will be required to bring in a Physicians note.

  1. If your family has traveled to an area identified by the CDC as Level 3 Travel Health, they may not attend the facility for 14 days from the day they returned to the United States.

  1. Parents and visitors will not be able to enter our school during the Covid 19 Pandemic, without permission. All visits must be scheduled through the office.

  1. Toys, furniture, surfaces, classrooms and playground are constantly being disinfected. We have ample cleaning supplies and PPE.

  1. Students will remain with their own class during the day with the same teachers.

  1. We follow all the guidelines from the CDC, Social Services and the County of Los Angeles Public Health Department. If there were to be a case of COVID, we would contact the Public Health Dept. and take our direction from them.

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